
Augmented / Virtual Reality

Building voice responsive AR apps
Driving cars with ARKit
Flying sharks with ARKit
ARKit image tracking with whisky bottles
Augmented reality on iOS with ARKit
Developing for Samsung Gear VR
Creating 3D models for AR with photogrammetry

Machine learning

Building smart Q&A app with CoreML, SwiftUI and Combine
Sound classification with Create ML on iOS 13
Text recognition on iOS 13 with Vision, SwiftUI and Combine
Text recognition using Vision and Core ML
Hand tracking with Turi Create and Core ML
Detecting whisky brands with Core ML and IBM Watson services
Catching smiles with Google’s ML Kit on iOS

Conversational Interfaces

Sentiment analysis with Natural Language and SwiftUI
Natural language processing on iOS
Creating lists with SiriKit on iOS 11
Understanding language on iOS
Conversational interfaces usage
Exploring conversational interfaces

Frameworks and tools

Getting started with PencilKit on iOS 13
Introducing Girders for Swift
Swift code types navigator
Swift class diagrams and more

Patterns and best practices

Pragmatic iOS app architecture
Common iOS development mistakes
Dependency injection in iOS using Girders for Swift
iOS app requirements checklist
Flexible table views with descriptor arrays
Forward pipe operator in Swift
Algorithms in Swift
Swift considerations and decisions
JSON parsing in Swift with generics

Build process

Setting up CI with Travis-CI and Fastlane on iOS project
Xcode build settings tour
Injecting code in iOS framework startup


My book is published!
Writing a technical book


Speaking at conferences
iOSCon 2018
iOS conferences in 2018
Attending CodeMobile UK


What every great iOS engineer needs to know (part 1)
What every great iOS engineer needs to know (part 2)
A year of tech blogging

Reactive programming

Reactive image downloading and caching
Networking in Swift
Introduction to functional reactive programming and table views


Developing drawing app with SwiftUI
Protocol-oriented maps on iOS
Drawing charts on iOS
Setting up Apple Pay


iOS design by prototyping and iterating
Mobile databases on iOS
Trendy topics for 2018 and beyond
Everything Apple announced on WWDC 2017